Agriculture Buildings

Neither residential or commercial, agriculture buildings hold their own special niche in roofing.  With different requirements in terms of insulation, protection and longevity, the roofing needs of agriculture buildings are unique and truly require a professional to address them proficiently.  We are here for you.

Like any other roof, agriculture buildings may need repair, restoration, or replacement.  Wichita offers all of those services.  Using only the highest quality materials, coupled with professionally crafted installation and above industry-standard warranties, we look forward to the opportunity to assist with your agriculture building roofing needs.

Roofing Systems

By far, the most common roofing system for agriculture buildings is metal.  With its incredible lifespan, metal roofing is perfect for those outbuildings.

Repair.  When that metal roofing develops a leak, repairs are generally fairly straightforward and quickly accomplished.  A small leak or small area is something that should be addressed quickly, before damage is done to internal components, protected livestock and equipment or even feed.  A leaky metal roof is one that needs to be handled immediately. 

Restoration.  Restoration is GREAT for metal roofs.  Whether due to advancing lifespan or ongoing repair issues, your metal roof can easily be restored, and additional years of service provided. The restoration process includes repair of the leaks, removal of rust and other environmental damage and the application of a coating.  The coating covers the entire roofing system, providing a seamless, waterproof layer of protection.  This stops any leaking issues in their tracks!

Replacement.  Regardless of how well that metal roof is cared for, eventually it (like everything) will need to be replaced.  When that time comes, you don’t need to look any farther.  We have the experience, skills, and knowledge to replace your roofing system with a fresh new metal roof and continue the decades of protection you have learned to expect.

Why Choose Wichita?

With so many options to choose from, why choose Wichita to handle your agriculture building needs?  There are a lot of reasons:

Values.  We value what you value.  Honesty, integrity, family are the most important things to us, and we bet they are to you as well. 

Quality.  Because integrity is one of our primary values, we use only the highest quality materials available.  We won’t use second-rate just to save a few dollars.

Craftsmanship.  Regardless of how good the materials are, they won’t do the job if the installation is sub-par.  Our craftsmen are highly trained professionals who take pride in their work.

Experience.  With years of experience on commercial, residential, industrial, and agricultural buildings, we know how to identify and correctly repair almost any roofing issue.

Local.  Working with a local company, like Wichita, keeps your dollars working in your community.  This improves our economy and allows us to better support our friends, family, and neighbors.

Call Wichita Commercial Roofing today, 877-277-0829 and learn more about why Wichita should be your local agriculture building roofing company.